Spousal Support

Family Law

Anchorage, North Carolina Alimony & Spousal Support Attorneys

Spousal support is a monthly payment of money made from one spouse to the other. The court may order spousal support to be paid before the divorce is final, after the divorce, or both. In most cases, the court orders spousal support for a specific purpose and a limited amount of time. Before awarding spousal support the court will look at many factors: length of marriage, age and health, education, work skills, how the property and debt are divided, and many other relevant factors.

How Is Alimony Determined in North Carolina?

When a family law judge determines the amount to award in alimony payments, they will review several different issues. These include:

  • The duration of the marriage
  • The division of assets and debts
  • Which parent will receive custody of the children
  • Contributions rendered in the capacity of a stay-at-home parent or homemaker
  • The economic resources and earning power of each spouse

Whether you are expecting to receive spousal support or trying to determine if you will be ordered to pay alimony, you can turn to Matthew Mills & Richberg LLP for help.

Call us today, and give our team the opportunity to earn your trust and business.